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Fairmont & Woodland
Selected date
Friday October 18
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Selected time
2:30 PM
5:00 PM
Outreach - Adult
O - Mileage
O - Rainbow Science
O - Art Around the World
O - Movin' & Groovin'
O - Go With the Flow
O - Marvelous Magnets
O - Wacky Weather
O - Can You Feel the Pressure
O - Polymers & Putty
O - Come Fly with Me
O - Inside Out
O - Give Me 5!
O - Can You Hear Me Now?
O - Specimen Dissections
O - Owl Pellet Specimen
O - Frog Specimen
O - Sheep/Pig Heart Specimen
O - Dogfish Shark Specimen
O - Do You See What EYE See
Outreach - Child
O - Forensic Challenge
O - GFS Picking
O - Entertain Your Brain